Seifert Technologies recently partnered with the Stark Education Partnership (SEP), Fairless High School and Perry High School and provided a career day for the students. The objective was to provide an insight to local area high school students on the careers and opportunities available right here in Stark County. Our presentations focused on the services which we provide to our clients related to Engineering, IT, and Staffing.
We featured interactive displays on Robotics, Machine Design, 3D CAD, PLC Motion Control, IT Infrastructure, Power BI, Software Development, and Career Services.
Jaecey Hudson holds the position of Career Champion at Stark Education Partnership (SEP). Her role places her within several local High Schools including Fairless and she counsels the students on their career paths. Jaecey was instrumental in scheduling the day with Fairless High School.
SEP is a catalyst, engaging and collaborating with education, business, civic and community stakeholders to drive sustainable improvement and innovation to provide all students with education and career success.
SEP serves education, business, and community organizations in the Stark County region as a connector and partner. SEP collaborates with local foundations to ensure a continued focus on meeting emerging needs and works in complementary fashion with other nonprofits throughout the region.
Stark Education Partnership’s vision to build generations of successful individuals who fulfill their potential and grow roots in Stark County is brought to life by engaging students in real-world workplace experiences.
We also worked closely with the Robotics / STEM department at Perry High School to plan the day for these students. Stephanie Laskey and her team from Perry were the high school coordinators for the event. The Perry Local Project Lead the Way classes emphasize various engineering aspects, spanning from introduction to engineering design, computer manufacturing, digital electronics, aerospace engineering, to principles of engineering. Students were enthusiastic and actively involved in witnessing engineering principles in action at Seifert Technologies. They gained insight into the structure of engineering firms and the key attributes of successful engineers. They left Seifert Technologies with new information, eager to apply their newfound knowledge in the world of engineering.
To learn more details about the services of Seifert Technologies, contact us at (330) 833-2700 or sales@seifert.com. Please visit www.seifert.com for more information on our full range of capabilities.
For more information related to SEP, please visit www.edpartner.org.
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